Clocks & Barometers

1970 Catalogue


Anemones Clock

Fruit Clock

Lyre Clock

Random Clock (Sunset, Moonglow and Gilt models)

Rococo Clock

Sunflower Clock


Compass Barometer

Regency Barometer


1972 to 1976 Catalogue


Galleon Panel - 16 inches (New from 1972) - On wooden plaquette with scenic plaque of the Galleon

Heraldic - 13 inches - Antique Guilt

Mayflower - Height 14 inches (New from 1972) - All moulded PVC with moulded Mayflower above.

Scenic Panels - 11.5 inches (New from 1972) - On wooden base with 4.75 x 3.75 scenic plaquette

Sunburst - 13 inches - Antique Guilt

Regency - 16.5 inches

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Anemones Barometer

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977. Height 9.75 inches. Circular with flowered surround on a white background. Similar to the Fruit Clock. Glass covered face with Gilt bezel.

(See the similar Rose Barometer).


Rarity - Extremely Rare












Anemones Clock

Rarity - Extremely Rare











Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977. Height 9.75 inches.  

Anne Hathaways Cottage Panel - Scenic Panel (Barometer)

From the 'Scenic Panel Series'. With wooden backing, Anne Hathaways cottage plaque and Barometer below. Rarity - One of the rarest


he 'Scenic Panel Series' included Mayflower, Galleon Panel and Anne Hathaways Cottage T

Compass Barometer

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977. Height 9.5 inches.


In sharp relief, gilt with hand painted sea green and sepia inlays. British made aneroid movement with 4 inch concave dial in satin aluminium. Red / Black forecaster.


Rarity - Extremely Rare











Fraser_Art_Compass_Barometerdating_1970.jpg (8882 bytes)Fraser_Art_Compass_Barometerdating_1970_6.jpg (6130 bytes)

Pre-production example from the Richard Bossons collection

Fruit Clock

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Made in 1970. Height 9.75 inches. Circular clock with fruit surround on a white background. Similar to the Anemones Clock. Glass covered clock face with Gilt bezel.


Rarity - Extremely Rare











The clockworks were made by Kienzel in Germany and were only sold in the UK and Europe because of the potential technical difficulties with repairs.

Galleon Panel (Barometer)

With wooden backing and 'San Martin - 1588' plaque. Rarity - One of the rarest


The 'Scenic Panel Series' included Mayflower, Galleon Panel and Anne Hathaways Cottage  

Heraldic Barometer

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977. Height 9.5 inches.


Rarity - Extremely Rare











Mayflower Barometer

Height 14 inches with ornate Mayflower galleon located above the barometer. Rarity - One of the rarest

The 'Scenic Panel Series' included Mayflower, Galleon Panel and Anne Hathaways Cottage  

Lyre Clock

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977. Height 16 inches.


Rarity - Extremely Rare











Pony Thermometer

Gypsum Plaster. Item No 140


Rarity - Extremely Rare











Random - Gilt Clock

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977. Height 16  inches.

Rarity - Extremely Rare












Random - Moonglow Clock

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977. Height 16  inches. Green/Blue and Red/Orange versions


Rarity - Extremely Rare











Fraser Art Clock 'Moonglow' produced in 1971. Approx. 15 inches by 12 inches. Mechanism is made by Kienzle of Germany  

Random - Sunset Clock

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977. Height 16  inches.


Rarity - Extremely Rare











Fraser Art Clock 'Sunburst' produced in 1971. Battery operated clock mechanism. Approx 15 inches by 12 inches

Regency Barometer

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977. 16.5 inch high, in French Regency style with 6 inch gilt thermometer set in recessed pane. Ivory and gilt embellishments. 4 inch concave dial in satin aluminium


Rarity - Extremely Rare











Regency Barometer (cont) (SC)

Example of the 2no colourings (Ivory & Gilt)

Model to the right is a pre-production example from the Richard Bossons collection

Rococo Clock

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977. Height 14 inches. Moulded scrolled PVC design of the 17th century Rococo style. Ivory dial, in-cut numerals and glass covered gilt bezel


Rarity - The Rarest












Pre-production example from the Richard Bossons collection


Rose Barometer

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic - Similar in size and construction as the Anemones Barometer.

Produced in the 1970's. Height 9.75 inches. Circular with flowered surround  on a white background. Similar to the Fruit Clock. Glass covered face with Gilt bezel.


Rarity - The Rarest












There is currently only two known examples of this Barometer in existence, both owned by the same person


Sea Spray Thermometer

Gypsum plaster. Produced 1970 to 1977. Height 9.5 inches.


Rarity - Extremely Rare











This example was from the Richard Bossons collection

Sunburst Barometer

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977. Height 16  inches.


Rarity - Extremely Rare











Sunflower Clock

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Made in 1970. Height 9.75  inches.


Rarity - Extremely Rare











The clockworks were made by Kienzel in Germany and were only sold in the UK and Europe because of the potential technical difficulties with repairs

Pre-production example from the Richard Bossons collection

Bossons Wrist Watch

His and her watches given to attendees of an 'International Bossons Collectors Meeting' (IBCS) in the USA. With Bossons emblem on them. Note: These watches are not of Rolex or of similar quality!!


Zodiac Barometer

Fraser Art - PVC Plastic. Produced 1970 to 1977



Rarity - One of the Rarest












Blue & black 'Zodiac Barometer' was the main production piece

'Gold' Zodiac Barometer. Experimental model with the word Araldite scratched into base. Maybe this is what Bossons used as a resin for the clocks and barometers. This piece is rarer than the blue and black version as possibly the only version ever created 

Was initially owned by Ken Potts

(SC in USA)

Zodiac Barometer (cont)

The discovered variations to date comprise of black, blue & gold version with gold light and gold dark and a gold with blue & red trim

Examples of the 2no versions of the Zodiac Barometers (MD)
