Bossons Ivorex



'Osborne Ivorex' is not 'Bossons Ivorex'. The 'Osborne Ivorex' products were produced by the 'B Osborne Company' whereas 'Bossons Ivorex' was produced by W H Bossons. 

Osborne Ivorex' plaques were originally made by Arthur Osborne of Faversham. He produced more than 800 different designs. 

The process involved a mould being made from clay or plasticine; a gelatin mould was then taken and the plaques were cast from plaster of paris. Designs were painted in water colours and the finished article was covered in a wax seal which gave it a ivorine appearance.

Decreasing sales resulted in the closure of the Osborne factory in 1965. Ray Bossons always admired 'Osborne Ivorex' and the assets of the 'Osborne Company' were purchased by Bossons in 1971. The Company was left dormant until a limited range of plaques were produced in February 1980 under the banner of Osborne and Deltic Ltd and were distributed by W.H. Bossons Ltd. This has become know as Bossons Ivorex.

The Ivorex pieces marked Osborne Deltic are the first pieces Bossons made from the original Osborne's. Walter Davis who worked over 50 years for Osborne mentioned when the Bossons company bought out Osborne they came to Faversham to pick up "everything" and take back to Congleton. This included a lot of the unfinished pieces and moulds etc. Walter Davis said that Bossons started up making the Ivorex pieces and named the Osborne Deltic as its seen on some of the ovals etc. Walter helped out the Bossons paintresses in the shading of the plaques at the start-up

 The more popular 'Osborne Ivorex' pieces were re-coloured and re-framed by Bossons making them more striking. These became known as the 'Bossons Ivorex' range. There is an equivalent 'Osborne Ivorex' plaque for the majority of the 'Bossons Ivorex' range

Probably the best 'Osborne Ivorex' information website is located at -


'Osborne Ivorex' had a very long history and produced plaques from 1899 to 1965. The 'B Osborne Company' was founded by 'Arthur Osborne' and produced some 800 different plaques. The factory was based in Faversham, Kent, UK. 

'Bossons Ivorex' produced 57 known plaques most being based on 'Osborne Ivorex' designs



Osborne Ivorex Calender Holders

These pieces never went into production and came from the Osborne factory in Faversham

Bossons Ivorex, Osborne Ivorex and Deltec oval plaques

A selection of Bossons Ivorex, Osborne Ivorex and Deltec oval plaques.

These all came from  the Richard Bossons collection and were sold via auction Oct 2022. There is insufficient information to know if any of these plaques went into full production.

Bossons Ivorex, Osborne Ivorex and Deltec oval plaques (cont)





Some example of the differences between Bossons and Osborne Ivorex - Bossons & Osborne


Article from renown Bossons collector on the Bossons Ivorex products- Click here


Bossons Ivorex Plaque with square top - St Paul's Cathedral



The similar Osborne Ivorex Plaque with curved top - St Paul's Cathedral


Bossons Ivorex Plaque with square top - Tower Bridge. Notice the brighter colouring of this Bossons plaque in comparison to the Osborne Ivorex plaque.


Similar Osborne Ivorex Plaque with curved top - Tower Bridge



'Bossons Ivorex' had a shorter production run than the Osborne pieces, so they tend to be less available and therefore somewhat rarer. The more common ones are pieces like Anne Hathaways Cottage and Shakespeares House which are more often seen in both Bossons and Osborne Ivorex.


Below is a list a list of what is generally considered to be the rare Bossons Ivorex

Arthe Sanctuary Door Durham Cathedral (experimental?)

Auld Brig of Doon, Alloway

Blarney Castle

Caernarvon Castle

Charles Dickens (five sided)

Cheshire Cat (No1) oval

Cheshire Cat (No2)

Cheshire Cat (No3)

Durham Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral S E

First and Last House (experimental?)

Harvard House

Irish Cottage

John Wesley (experimental?)

Kenilworth Castle

Pickwick Addressing the Club

Roman Baths Bath

Shakespeare's Head (6 1/2" round)

St. Michaels Mount

St. Ives Harbour

Stirling Bridge

Stirling Castle

The Flag of the United States (experimental?)

The Pavilion Brighton

The Priors Gateway Canterbury Cathedral

The Rows Chester

The Choir Chester

Twa Brigs O' Ayr

Western Towers Canterbury Cathedral

Westminster Abbey

'Yankee Doodle' The Spirit of 76


The 'Pavilion Brighton', 'Newquay', 'Roman Baths' and 'Shakespeares Head' are probably regarded as the rarer of these plaques with 'Stirling Castle' being the rarest.



BOSSONS IVOREX PLAQUES  (Produced 1981 to 1992)


'The Imagical World Bossons' books list 48no Bossons Ivorex plaques.

In Addition to this are the following known Bossons Ivorex pieces

Birthplace of the flag of the United States of America No. 239 Arch Street Philadelphia  8" x 6 1/4" (rare)

 Yankee Doodle The Spirit of 76     8' x 6 1/2"  (rare)

Mr. Pickwick  5 x 3 oval  (rare)

Uriah Heep  5 x 3 oval  (rare) 

Little Nell  2 x 4 1/2" figurine (rare)

Oliver Twist  2 x 4 3/4" figurine (rare)

Mr. Micawber  2 1/4" x 5"  figurine (rare)

Mr. Pickwick  2 1/2" x 4 3/4" figurine (rare)

Tony Weller  2" x 4 3/4" figurine  (rare)


Cheshire Cat - No1 (extremely rare)

Cheshire Cat - No2 (extremely rare)

Cheshire Cat - No3 (extremely rare)


Auld Brig of Doon, Alloway

Caernarvon Castle

Durham Cathedral (extremely rare)

Exeter Cathedral

Harvard House

Irish Cottage

Kenilworth Castle

Shakespeare's Birthplace "variation"

Stirling Bridge

Stirling Castle (extremely rare)

The Choir Chester

Western Towers, Canterbury Cathedral (extremely rare)



"The Imagical World of Bossons" book listings (48no)

An Irish Cottage

An Irish cottage 9¼x6¼ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???

Ann Hathaway's Cottage

Ann Hathaways Cottage Shottery 9¼x6¼ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Balmoral Castle

Balmoral Castle 10½x7 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Bishop Lloyds Palace, Chester

Bishop Lloyds Palace Chester 8x6¼ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

Blarney Castle

Blarney Castle 10x7½ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Brig of Balgownie

Brig O'Balgownie Aberdeen 9½x5¾ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Burns Cottage

Burns Cottage Alloway Ayr 9½x6 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???
Burns Cottage Interior

Burns Cottage Interior 9½x6 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

Caernarfon Castle


Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral 11x7¼ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens 4x5½ ( 5 sided ) (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???

Charles Dickens in his Study, Gadshill

Charles Dickens in his study Gadshill 8x6 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

Chester, Cathedral

Chester Cathedral 11½x7½ - without gravestones (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Conway Castle and Bridge

Conway Castle and bridge 11½x7½ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???
 Dover Castle

Dover Castle 11¼x7¼ - framed (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???
Edinburgh Castle and National Gallery

Edinburgh Castle and National Gallery 11½x7½ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Enys Dodman Lands End

Enys Dodman Lands End 11½x7½ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Exeter Cathedral


Faversham Church

Faversham Church 9x7 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

Gods Providence House, Chester

Gods Providence House Chester 6½x8 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Houses of Parliament, London

Houses of Parliament 11¼x7¼ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

Lincoln Cathedral


Mr Pickwick Addressing he Club

Mr Pickwick addressing the Members of the Pickwick Club "The proudest moment of his existence" 12x8 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

Newport Arch, Lincoln

Newport Arch Lincoln 8x6 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Palace of Holyrood House

Palace of Holyrood House 11¼x7½ - same scene as Holyrood House and Arthurs Seat Edinburgh (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???
Shakespeare's Birthplace

Shakespeares Birthplace 9x6½ - Bossons edition Ultra high relief (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

Shakespeare's Head

Shakespeare's Head 7 inch circular plaque (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

St Ives Harbour

St. Ives Harbour 9¼x6¼ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

St Michaels Mount, Cornwall

St Michaels Mount Cornwall 11¼x7½ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???
St Paul's Cathedral

St Pauls Cathedral 8x10 - without lamp post's (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

The Choir, Chester Cathedral

The Choir Chester Cathedral 11½x7½ - without hanging cross (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
The Guildhall, Faversham

The Guildhall Faversham 9x7 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
The Harbour, Newquay

The Harbour Newquay 9½x6½ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???
The Harvard House, Stratford upon Avon

The Harvard House Stratford on Avon 6x9½ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
The Home of Charles Dickens Gadshill

The Home of Charles Dickens Gadshill Rochester 8¼x6 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???

The Old Curiosity Shop, London

The Old Curiosity Shop London 8¼x6 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
The Priors Gateway, Canterbury Cathedral

The Priors Gateway Canterbury Cathedral 6x7¾ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
The Roman Baths, Bath

The Roman Baths Bath 11x7½ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???
The Rows, Chester

The Rows Chester 11½x7½ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
The Royal Pavilion, Brighton

The Royal Pavilion Brighton 9¼x6¼ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???
The Tollbooth, Edinburgh

The Tollbooth, Edinburgh 7x9 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???

The Twa Brigs O'Ayr

The Twa Brigs Ayr 9½x6 (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???
Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge London 11¼x7½ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Tower of London

Tower Bridge London 9¼x6¼ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)???
Unloading the Boats

Unloading the boats 6¼x8 - Bossons Edition of Cornish Fishwife Unloading the boats (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)
Waiting for the Tide

Waiting for the tide 6¼x8 - Bossons Edition of Cornish Fisherman Waiting for the tide (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

Western Towers, Westminster Abbey

Western Towers Westminster Abbey 8x10¾ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle 11x7¼ (equivalent Osborne Ivorex Plaque)


Total Plaques 48no

(Information kindly supplied by Scott C in NJ)